Refund and Returns Policy

We offer a 30-day no questions asked return policy, provided the returned item is in good condition and you pay for shipping, and the shipping cost you paid for at the time of purchase is non-refundable. After we receive your returned item, we will carefully inspect the stamp for damage; if the stamp is damaged, no refund will be issued.

Conditions for returns or refunds:
The application must be made within 30 days of receiving the goods, please send an email to to apply for return or refund;

Stamps must be intact. If the stamp is damaged due to the consumer’s own reasons, it is not allowed to return;

The original packaging of the returned product must be intact;

When requesting a return, please provide the order number and attach a photo of the stamp received;

Special case: If you find the stamps are broken or damaged when you receive them, please send us the unboxing video, product pictures and proof of purchase (order screenshot, order number or product receipt, etc.), and we will reply your refund request Or resend the complete item and we will cover the shipping cost.

Can I cancel my order?
Within 30 minutes after you place an order for the goods. You can cancel your order, if the order is more than 30 minutes, you will not be able to cancel the order of the goods.

After you cancel your order, we will process your request to cancel the order within 12 working hours and the refund of the order will be returned to your payment account.

When will the refund arrive?
If you have returned a product, we will refund you after checking and confirming that it is correct, the refund is usually 1-2 business days back to your payment account, depending on the payment method you used when placing the order. If the refund is not received after the deadline, please send an email to

Return Address
Address: 316 S Greene St, Greensboro, NC 27401

Please note that returns without RMA (Return Authorization) numbers are not acceptable. No return without prior communication will be accepted. Refunds will be made through the same payment method used when purchasing, and we will not charge any replenishment fee.